There won't be much text, mostly a solution. I took 2nd place among 60 classmates, and 67th place out of 487 on kaggle.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import random

from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score, train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score, mean_squared_error
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold, GridSearchCV

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
import warnings
sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=1.5)  
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.2f}'.format
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 50)
def adjustedR2(r2,n,k):
    return r2-(k-1)/(n-k)*(1-r2)
TRAIN_DATASET_PATH = 'project/train.csv'
TEST_DATASET_PATH = 'project/test.csv'

1. Uploading data

Description of the dataset

  • Id - apartment identification number
  • DistrictId - identification number of the district
  • Rooms - number of rooms
  • Square - Square
  • Life Square - living area
  • KitchenSquare - kitchen area
  • Floor - floor
  • House Floor - number of floors in the house
  • House Year - the year the house was built
  • Ecology_1, Ecology_2, Ecology_3 - environmental indicators of the area
  • Social_1, Social_2, Social_3 - social indicators of the area
  • Healthcare_1, Healthcare_2 - terrain indicators related to health protection
  • Shops_1, Shops_2 - indicators related to the availability of stores, shopping centers
  • Price - apartment price
train_df = pd.read_csv(TRAIN_DATASET_PATH, index_col='Id')
DistrictId Rooms Square LifeSquare KitchenSquare Floor HouseFloor HouseYear Ecology_1 Ecology_2 Ecology_3 Social_1 Social_2 Social_3 Healthcare_1 Helthcare_2 Shops_1 Shops_2 Price
14038 35 2.00 47.98 29.44 6.00 7 9.00 1969 0.09 B B 33 7976 5 NaN 0 11 B 184,966.93
15053 41 3.00 65.68 40.05 8.00 7 9.00 1978 0.00 B B 46 10309 1 240.00 1 16 B 300,009.45
4765 53 2.00 44.95 29.20 0.00 8 12.00 1968 0.05 B B 34 7759 0 229.00 1 3 B 220,925.91
5809 58 2.00 53.35 52.73 9.00 8 17.00 1977 0.44 B B 23 5735 3 1,084.00 0 5 B 175,616.23
10783 99 1.00 39.65 23.78 7.00 11 12.00 1976 0.01 B B 35 5776 1 2,078.00 2 4 B 150,226.53
test_df = pd.read_csv(TEST_DATASET_PATH, index_col='Id')
DistrictId Rooms Square LifeSquare KitchenSquare Floor HouseFloor HouseYear Ecology_1 Ecology_2 Ecology_3 Social_1 Social_2 Social_3 Healthcare_1 Helthcare_2 Shops_1 Shops_2
725 58 2.00 49.88 33.43 6.00 6 14.00 1972 0.31 B B 11 2748 1 NaN 0 0 B
15856 74 2.00 69.26 NaN 1.00 6 1.00 1977 0.08 B B 6 1437 3 NaN 0 2 B
5480 190 1.00 13.60 15.95 12.00 2 5.00 1909 0.00 B B 30 7538 87 4,702.00 5 5 B
15664 47 2.00 73.05 51.94 9.00 22 22.00 2007 0.10 B B 23 4583 3 NaN 3 3 B
14275 27 1.00 47.53 43.39 1.00 17 17.00 2017 0.07 B B 2 629 1 NaN 0 0 A
train_df.shape, test_df.shape
((10000, 19), (5000, 18))

2. Visual data analysis

I will use the option offered in the lesson and my own thoughts. The first step is to get acquainted with the data. Let's build their histograms, and those that are not many - boxplot.

Index(['DistrictId', 'Rooms', 'Square', 'LifeSquare', 'KitchenSquare', 'Floor',
       'HouseFloor', 'HouseYear', 'Ecology_1', 'Ecology_2', 'Ecology_3',
       'Social_1', 'Social_2', 'Social_3', 'Healthcare_1', 'Helthcare_2',
       'Shops_1', 'Shops_2', 'Price'],
df1=train_df[['DistrictId', 'Rooms', 'Square', 'LifeSquare', 'KitchenSquare', 'Floor',
       'HouseFloor', 'HouseYear', 'Ecology_1', 'Ecology_2', 'Ecology_3',
       'Social_1', 'Social_2', 'Social_3', 'Healthcare_1', 'Helthcare_2',
       'Shops_1', 'Shops_2', 'Price']]
h = df1.hist(bins=25,figsize=(16,16),xlabelsize='10',ylabelsize='10',xrot=-15)
sns.despine(left=True, bottom=True)
[x.title.set_size(12) for x in h.ravel()];
[x.yaxis.tick_left() for x in h.ravel()];
sns.set(style="whitegrid", font_scale=1)
f, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2,figsize=(15,5))
sns.boxplot(x=train_df['Rooms'],y=train_df['Price'], ax=axes[0])
sns.boxplot(x=train_df['Helthcare_2'],y=train_df['Price'], ax=axes[1])
sns.despine(left=True, bottom=True)
axes[0].set(xlabel='Rooms', ylabel='Price')
axes[1].set(xlabel='Helthcare_2', ylabel='Price')

f, axe = plt.subplots(1, 1,figsize=(12.18,5))
sns.despine(left=True, bottom=True)
sns.boxplot(x=train_df['Floor'],y=train_df['Price'], ax=axe)
axe.set(xlabel='Floor', ylabel='Price');

Of course, you can still play with charts for a long time, but it is unlikely that you will be able to visually identify the impact. I'll look at the correlation between the data.

features = ['DistrictId', 'Rooms', 'Square', 'LifeSquare', 'KitchenSquare', 'Floor',
       'HouseFloor', 'HouseYear', 'Ecology_1', 'Ecology_2', 'Ecology_3',
       'Social_1', 'Social_2', 'Social_3', 'Healthcare_1', 'Helthcare_2',
       'Shops_1', 'Shops_2', 'Price']

mask = np.zeros_like(train_df[features].corr(), dtype=np.bool) 
mask[np.triu_indices_from(mask)] = True 

f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 12))
plt.title('Pearson Correlation Matrix',fontsize=25)

sns.heatmap(train_df[features].corr(),linewidths=0.25,vmax=0.7,square=True,cmap="BuGn", #"BuGn_r" to reverse 
            linecolor='w',annot=True,annot_kws={"size":8},mask=mask,cbar_kws={"shrink": .9});

3. Data preparation

To prepare, I will use an example from the lesson

3.1 Type conversion

DistrictId         int64
Rooms            float64
Square           float64
LifeSquare       float64
KitchenSquare    float64
Floor              int64
HouseFloor       float64
HouseYear          int64
Ecology_1        float64
Ecology_2         object
Ecology_3         object
Social_1           int64
Social_2           int64
Social_3           int64
Healthcare_1     float64
Helthcare_2        int64
Shops_1            int64
Shops_2           object
Price            float64
dtype: object
train_df['DistrictId'] = train_df['DistrictId'].astype(str)
test_df['DistrictId'] = test_df['DistrictId'].astype(str)
Rooms Square LifeSquare KitchenSquare Floor HouseFloor HouseYear Ecology_1 Social_1 Social_2 Social_3 Healthcare_1 Helthcare_2 Shops_1 Price
count 10,000.00 10,000.00 7,887.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 5,202.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00
mean 1.89 56.32 37.20 6.27 8.53 12.61 3,990.17 0.12 24.69 5,352.16 8.04 1,142.90 1.32 4.23 214,138.86
std 0.84 21.06 86.24 28.56 5.24 6.78 200,500.26 0.12 17.53 4,006.80 23.83 1,021.52 1.49 4.81 92,872.29
min 0.00 1.14 0.37 0.00 1.00 0.00 1,910.00 0.00 0.00 168.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 59,174.78
25% 1.00 41.77 22.77 1.00 4.00 9.00 1,974.00 0.02 6.00 1,564.00 0.00 350.00 0.00 1.00 153,872.63
50% 2.00 52.51 32.78 6.00 7.00 13.00 1,977.00 0.08 25.00 5,285.00 2.00 900.00 1.00 3.00 192,269.64
75% 2.00 65.90 45.13 9.00 12.00 17.00 2,001.00 0.20 36.00 7,227.00 5.00 1,548.00 2.00 6.00 249,135.46
max 19.00 641.07 7,480.59 2,014.00 42.00 117.00 20,052,011.00 0.52 74.00 19,083.00 141.00 4,849.00 6.00 23.00 633,233.47
feature_num_names = train_df.drop('Price', axis=1).select_dtypes(include=['float64', 'int64']).\
feature_cat_names = train_df.select_dtypes(include='object').columns.tolist()
['DistrictId', 'Ecology_2', 'Ecology_3', 'Shops_2']
feature_bin_names = ['Ecology_2', 'Ecology_3', 'Shops_2']

train_df[feature_bin_names] = train_df[feature_bin_names].replace({'A':0, 'B':1})
test_df[feature_bin_names] = test_df[feature_bin_names].replace({'A':0, 'B':1})
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 10000 entries, 14038 to 6306
Data columns (total 19 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------         --------------  -----  
 0   DistrictId     10000 non-null  object 
 1   Rooms          10000 non-null  float64
 2   Square         10000 non-null  float64
 3   LifeSquare     7887 non-null   float64
 4   KitchenSquare  10000 non-null  float64
 5   Floor          10000 non-null  int64  
 6   HouseFloor     10000 non-null  float64
 7   HouseYear      10000 non-null  int64  
 8   Ecology_1      10000 non-null  float64
 9   Ecology_2      10000 non-null  int64  
 10  Ecology_3      10000 non-null  int64  
 11  Social_1       10000 non-null  int64  
 12  Social_2       10000 non-null  int64  
 13  Social_3       10000 non-null  int64  
 14  Healthcare_1   5202 non-null   float64
 15  Helthcare_2    10000 non-null  int64  
 16  Shops_1        10000 non-null  int64  
 17  Shops_2        10000 non-null  int64  
 18  Price          10000 non-null  float64
dtypes: float64(8), int64(10), object(1)
memory usage: 1.8+ MB

3.2. Missing values

train_df.isna().sum()[train_df.isna().sum() != 0]
LifeSquare      2113
Healthcare_1    4798
dtype: int64
train_df.loc[train_df['LifeSquare'].isna(), 'LifeSquare'] = \
    train_df['Square'] - train_df['KitchenSquare']
test_df.loc[test_df['LifeSquare'].isna(), 'LifeSquare'] = \
    test_df['Square'] - test_df['KitchenSquare']
pd.concat([train_df.groupby('DistrictId')['Healthcare_1'].apply(lambda x: np.nanmean(x)),
          train_df.groupby('DistrictId')['Healthcare_1'].apply(lambda x: np.nanstd(x)),
          train_df.groupby('DistrictId')['Healthcare_1'].apply(lambda x: x.isna().sum())
          axis=1, keys=['mean', 'std', 'count', 'nans']).sort_values(by='nans', ascending=False).head(10)
mean std count nans
27 NaN NaN 0 851
1 228.77 17.97 57 595
23 0.00 0.00 1 564
62 2,300.00 0.00 9 238
45 NaN NaN 0 116
34 NaN NaN 0 111
61 80.00 0.00 8 110
13 1,406.00 0.00 4 93
9 30.00 0.00 202 92
48 2,620.00 0.00 1 89
pd.concat([train_df.groupby('Helthcare_2')['Healthcare_1'].apply(lambda x: np.nanmean(x)),
          train_df.groupby('Helthcare_2')['Healthcare_1'].apply(lambda x: np.nanstd(x)),
          train_df.groupby('Helthcare_2')['Healthcare_1'].apply(lambda x: x.isna().sum())
          axis=1, keys=['mean', 'std', 'count', 'nans']).sort_values(by='nans', ascending=False)
mean std count nans
0 1,007.78 913.61 1275 2939
1 811.36 696.54 925 1258
3 1,363.38 1,005.68 1347 323
5 1,824.09 1,574.23 212 176
2 1,010.71 1,045.44 1056 102
4 1,929.23 1,121.87 288 0
6 645.00 0.00 99 0
pd.concat([test_df.groupby('Helthcare_2')['Healthcare_1'].apply(lambda x: np.nanmean(x)),
          test_df.groupby('Helthcare_2')['Healthcare_1'].apply(lambda x: np.nanstd(x)),
          test_df.groupby('Helthcare_2')['Healthcare_1'].apply(lambda x: x.isna().sum())
          axis=1, keys=['mean', 'std', 'count', 'nans']).sort_values(by='nans', ascending=False)
mean std count nans
0 976.07 905.42 667 1429
1 836.12 738.36 442 654
3 1,353.30 1,064.11 700 155
5 1,606.40 1,528.20 97 89
2 1,095.59 1,135.98 520 50
4 1,829.66 1,086.82 158 0
6 645.00 0.00 39 0
train_df.loc[train_df['Healthcare_1'].isna(), 'Healthcare_1'] =\
    train_df.groupby(['Helthcare_2'])['Healthcare_1'].transform(lambda x: x.mean())
test_df.loc[test_df['Healthcare_1'].isna(), 'Healthcare_1'] =\
    train_df.groupby(['Helthcare_2'])['Healthcare_1'].transform(lambda x: x.mean())
test_df['Healthcare_1'] = test_df['Healthcare_1'].fillna(test_df.groupby('Helthcare_2')['Healthcare_1'].transform('mean'))

3.3. Processing of abnormal values

2.00     3880
1.00     3705
3.00     2235
4.00      150
5.00       18
0.00        8
10.00       2
6.00        1
19.00       1
Name: Rooms, dtype: int64
train_df.loc[(train_df['Rooms'] > 5)|(train_df['Rooms'] == 0), 'Rooms'] = train_df['Rooms'].mode()[0]
test_df.loc[(test_df['Rooms'] > 5)|(test_df['Rooms'] == 0), 'Rooms'] = train_df['Rooms'].mode()[0] # !!
train_df.loc[(train_df['KitchenSquare'] > 150) | \
             (train_df['KitchenSquare'] > train_df['Square']), :]
DistrictId Rooms Square LifeSquare KitchenSquare Floor HouseFloor HouseYear Ecology_1 Ecology_2 Ecology_3 Social_1 Social_2 Social_3 Healthcare_1 Helthcare_2 Shops_1 Shops_2 Price
14656 62 1.00 47.10 46.45 2,014.00 4 1.00 2014 0.07 1 1 2 629 1 1,007.78 0 0 0 108,337.48
13703 42 1.00 38.07 19.72 73.00 9 10.00 2006 0.16 1 1 21 5731 0 811.36 1 0 1 160,488.03
6569 27 1.00 38.22 18.72 84.00 4 17.00 2018 0.01 1 1 4 915 0 1,007.78 0 0 1 99,079.96
14679 81 1.00 32.28 19.28 1,970.00 6 1.00 1977 0.01 1 1 30 5285 0 645.00 6 6 1 105,539.56
train_df.loc[(train_df['KitchenSquare'] > 150) | \
             (train_df['KitchenSquare'] > train_df['Square']),
             'KitchenSquare'] = train_df['KitchenSquare'].median()

test_df.loc[(test_df['KitchenSquare'] > 150) | \
            (test_df['KitchenSquare'] > test_df['Square']),
            'KitchenSquare'] = train_df['KitchenSquare'].median()
train_df.loc[(train_df['LifeSquare'] > 400), 'LifeSquare'] = \
test_df.loc[(test_df['LifeSquare'] > 400), 'LifeSquare'] = \
train_df.loc[(train_df['Square'] > 400) | (train_df['Square'] < 10), 'Square'] = \

test_df.loc[(test_df['Square'] > 400) | (test_df['Square'] < 10), 'Square'] = \
train_df[['Square', 'LifeSquare', 'KitchenSquare']].describe()
Square LifeSquare KitchenSquare
count 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00
mean 56.22 40.86 5.86
std 19.06 20.57 5.07
min 13.78 0.37 0.00
25% 41.79 25.49 1.00
50% 52.51 37.04 6.00
75% 65.89 49.77 9.00
max 275.65 263.54 123.00
train_df.loc[train_df['HouseFloor'] == 0, 'HouseFloor'] = train_df['HouseFloor'].mode()[0]
test_df.loc[test_df['HouseFloor'] == 0, 'HouseFloor'] = train_df['HouseFloor'].mode()[0]
train_df.loc[train_df['HouseFloor'] > 98, 'HouseFloor'] = train_df['HouseFloor'].mode()[0]
test_df.loc[test_df['HouseFloor'] > 98, 'HouseFloor'] = train_df['HouseFloor'].mode()[0]
floor_outliers_train = train_df.loc[train_df['Floor'] > train_df['HouseFloor']].index
floor_outliers_test = test_df.loc[test_df['Floor'] > test_df['HouseFloor']].index
train_df.loc[floor_outliers_train, 'Floor'] = \
    train_df.loc[floor_outliers_train, 'HouseFloor'].apply(lambda x: random.randint(1, x))
test_df.loc[floor_outliers_test, 'Floor'] = \
    test_df.loc[floor_outliers_test, 'HouseFloor'].apply(lambda x: random.randint(1, x))
train_df.loc[train_df['HouseYear'] > 2020, 'HouseYear'] = 2011

3.4. Processing unique values

print(train_df['DistrictId'].nunique(), ' уникальных  значений в train')
print(test_df['DistrictId'].nunique(), ' уникальных  значений в test')
205  уникальных  значений в train
201  уникальных  значений в test
district_size = train_df['DistrictId'].value_counts().reset_index()\
                .rename(columns={'index':'DistrictId', 'DistrictId':'DistrictSize'})

DistrictId DistrictSize
0 27 851
1 1 652
2 23 565
3 6 511
4 9 294
... ... ...
200 117 1
201 207 1
202 209 1
203 196 1
204 205 1

205 rows × 2 columns

districts_popular = district_size.loc[district_size['DistrictSize'] > 100, 'DistrictId'].tolist()

district_size.loc[~district_size['DistrictId'].isin(districts_popular), 'DistrictId'] = 999
district_size = district_size.groupby('DistrictId')['DistrictSize'].agg(
district_size.reset_index(level='DistrictId', inplace=True)
DistrictId DistrictSize
0 999 15
1 1 652
2 11 129
3 21 165
4 23 565
5 27 851
6 30 228
7 34 111
8 44 104
9 45 116
10 46 119
11 52 143
12 53 174
13 57 107
14 58 179
15 6 511
16 61 118
17 62 247
18 74 114
19 8 142
20 9 294
train_df.loc[~train_df['DistrictId'].isin(districts_popular), 'DistrictId'] = 999
test_df.loc[~test_df['DistrictId'].isin(districts_popular), 'DistrictId'] = 999

3.5. Building new features

train_df = train_df.merge(district_size, on='DistrictId', how='left').set_index(train_df.index)
test_df = test_df.merge(district_size, on='DistrictId', how='left').set_index(test_df.index)
DistrictId Rooms Square LifeSquare KitchenSquare Floor HouseFloor HouseYear Ecology_1 Ecology_2 Ecology_3 Social_1 Social_2 Social_3 Healthcare_1 Helthcare_2 Shops_1 Shops_2 Price DistrictSize
14038 999 2.00 47.98 29.44 6.00 7 9.00 1969 0.09 1 1 33 7976 5 1,007.78 0 11 1 184,966.93 15
15053 999 3.00 65.68 40.05 8.00 7 9.00 1978 0.00 1 1 46 10309 1 240.00 1 16 1 300,009.45 15
4765 53 2.00 44.95 29.20 0.00 8 12.00 1968 0.05 1 1 34 7759 0 229.00 1 3 1 220,925.91 174
5809 58 2.00 53.35 52.73 9.00 8 17.00 1977 0.44 1 1 23 5735 3 1,084.00 0 5 1 175,616.23 179
10783 999 1.00 39.65 23.78 7.00 11 12.00 1976 0.01 1 1 35 5776 1 2,078.00 2 4 1 150,226.53 15
train_df['PriceOneRoom'] = train_df['Price'] / train_df['Rooms']
price_by_district = train_df.groupby(['DistrictId'], as_index=False)\

DistrictId PriceOneRoomByDistrict
0 999 129,339.27
1 1 106,080.90
2 11 100,098.98
3 21 104,448.25
4 23 76,232.42
5 27 94,738.78
6 30 93,960.73
7 34 129,738.65
8 44 125,925.66
9 45 164,907.84
10 46 117,867.67
11 52 97,309.46
12 53 138,669.20
13 57 121,811.56
14 58 105,638.52
15 6 94,232.67
16 61 119,679.38
17 62 102,579.54
18 74 127,646.56
19 8 120,139.85
20 9 96,749.26
train_df = train_df.merge(price_by_district, on=['DistrictId'], how='left').set_index(train_df.index)
test_df = test_df.merge(price_by_district, on=['DistrictId'], how='left').set_index(test_df.index)
Index(['DistrictId', 'Rooms', 'Square', 'LifeSquare', 'KitchenSquare', 'Floor',
       'HouseFloor', 'HouseYear', 'Ecology_1', 'Ecology_2', 'Ecology_3',
       'Social_1', 'Social_2', 'Social_3', 'Healthcare_1', 'Helthcare_2',
       'Shops_1', 'Shops_2', 'DistrictSize', 'PriceOneRoomByDistrict'],
Index(['DistrictId', 'Rooms', 'Square', 'LifeSquare', 'KitchenSquare', 'Floor',
       'HouseFloor', 'HouseYear', 'Ecology_1', 'Ecology_2', 'Ecology_3',
       'Social_1', 'Social_2', 'Social_3', 'Healthcare_1', 'Helthcare_2',
       'Shops_1', 'Shops_2', 'Price', 'DistrictSize', 'PriceOneRoom',
train_df = train_df.drop(['PriceOneRoom'], axis=1)
train_df['RoomSquare'] = train_df['Square'] / train_df['Rooms']
test_df['RoomSquare'] = test_df['Square'] / test_df['Rooms']
train_df.loc[train_df['Floor'] <= 5, 'Floor_cat'] = 1  
train_df.loc[(train_df['Floor'] > 5) & (train_df['Floor'] <= 17), 'Floor_cat'] = 2
train_df.loc[train_df['Floor'] > 17, 'Floor_cat'] = 3

test_df.loc[test_df['Floor'] <= 5, 'Floor_cat'] = 1  
test_df.loc[(test_df['Floor'] > 5) & (test_df['Floor'] <= 17), 'Floor_cat'] = 2
test_df.loc[test_df['Floor'] > 17, 'Floor_cat'] = 3

2.00    5232
1.00    4424
3.00     344
Name: Floor_cat, dtype: int64
labels = [1, 2, 3]
train_df['Floor_cat_qcut'] = pd.qcut(train_df['Floor'], q=3, labels=labels)
test_df['Floor_cat_qcut'] = pd.qcut(test_df['Floor'], q=3, labels=labels)
1    3521
2    3519
3    2960
Name: Floor_cat_qcut, dtype: int64
train_df.loc[train_df['HouseFloor'] <= 5, 'HouseFloor_cat'] = 1  
train_df.loc[(train_df['HouseFloor'] > 5) & (train_df['HouseFloor'] <= 17), 'HouseFloor_cat'] = 2
train_df.loc[train_df['HouseFloor'] > 17, 'HouseFloor_cat'] = 3

test_df.loc[test_df['HouseFloor'] <= 5, 'HouseFloor_cat'] = 1  
test_df.loc[(test_df['HouseFloor'] > 5) & (test_df['HouseFloor'] <= 17), 'HouseFloor_cat'] = 2
test_df.loc[test_df['HouseFloor'] > 17, 'HouseFloor_cat'] = 3

2.00    6838
1.00    1837
3.00    1325
Name: HouseFloor_cat, dtype: int64
train_df[['Floor_cat', 'HouseFloor_cat']] = train_df[['Floor_cat', 'HouseFloor_cat']].astype(int)
test_df[['Floor_cat', 'HouseFloor_cat']] = test_df[['Floor_cat', 'HouseFloor_cat']].astype(int)

4. Analysis

4.1. Selection of features

feature_names = train_df.columns
target_names = ['Price']
feature_names = ['DistrictId',
X = train_df[feature_names]
y = train_df[target_names]
forest = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=56)
forest_best = RandomForestRegressor(max_depth=15,
                                    random_state=56), y)
y_pred = forest_best.predict(test_df[feature_names])
array([162556.371278  , 231974.01815621, 218945.2288756 , ...,
       328836.90951946, 198611.16589857, 176794.34957387])
preds = pd.DataFrame()
preds['Id'] = test_df.index
preds['Price'] = y_pred
Id Price
0 725 162,556.37
1 15856 231,974.02
2 5480 218,945.23
3 15664 343,927.38
4 14275 144,108.09
preds.to_csv('Gladkikh_predictions_1.csv', index=False)